軟體名稱: Mathcad 12


內容簡介: Mathcad's features are specially suited to learning and teaching technical subjects in high school, vocational education, and college. Thats why more educators and students rely on Mathcad for calculation and documentation in math-related disciplines than any other desktop software. You and your students can:
  • Type math equations just as you would write them
  • Combine text, images, graphs and equations all on the same page
  • Post your files on the Web
  • Automatically update calculations
  • Utilize built-in functions and solvers to tackle a vast array of applied problems
  • Convert between unit systems
  • Visualize data with 2D and 3D graphs
  • Carry out both numeric and symbolic processes
  • Program custom functions
Mathcad is highly effective in education because it is easy-to-use, broadly applicable across many disciplines, and encourages collaboration among teachers and students. Students learn by using Mathcad to experiment, investigate, and simulate, as well as documenting their mathematical work. That's why Mathcad is an indispensable tool, for technical industry professionals.
軟體名稱: Cabri Geometry II



Cabri Geometry II 是第一個內置支援坐標幾何的互動軟件包。它是一個學習歐幾里得幾何、幾何變換及解析幾何的工具。可繪畫點、直線和圓,並可找出垂直線、檢查三點是否共線,以及進行反射變換。